British Values

At The Joseph Whitaker School, we recognise the importance of encouraging students to develop academically, whilst also ensuring students develop the essential skills to be part of a successful community.  Promoting and teaching British Values are an integral part of our school as we strive to ensure all of our students are prepared for adult life beyond the examinations.

British Values are defined by the government as:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

These British Values are firmly embedded in the school’s PSHCE lessons where discreet lessons allow students to learn, discuss and enact upon all five of the British Values strands.  These strands are then further promoted in a broad and balanced curriculum across all subject areas and teachers use all opportunities to reaffirm British Values.

In addition to class-based activities, the values form part of the pastoral calendar with assemblies and tutor time activities focusing on topics such as on tolerance and respect, alongside the democratic voting process of the Student Council and the Student Directors.

At The Joseph Whitaker School, we strongly believe that these values are not just taught to students through lessons but they are embedded firmly into school life, culture and ethos.  In particular, the school’s annual Remembrance Day service is a powerful and emotional event through which students can show their respect.  We are immensely proud of our large take up of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, as this further promotes the key value of working with the community and challenging yourself to overcome obstacles.

These are a sample of some of the many activities that promote British Values within our school:

  • Our school motto: Proud to me, proud to be us
  • Weekly assemblies led by Heads of Houses, SLT, outside speakers
  • Student Council
  • Democratic process of voting for student council and 6th form Student Directors
  • PSHCE lessons
  • Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, The Diana Award
  • Stonewall Award
  • PRIDE group
  • Tutor time activities
  • The Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Remembrance Day and other national events
  • Charity Work (shoe box appeal, national charity events, Macmillan Coffee Morning, Jeans for Genes)
  • Sporting activities and competitions
  • Student Leadership and Student Mentoring
  • Links with the community through music and hospitality and catering
  • Promotion of National Citizen Service
  • School Reward’s System
  • Educational trips, both within and outside of the UK