
Our Curriculum is underpinned by our core values

Ambition                     Inclusivity                    Excellence

Kindness                      Resilience                    Leadership

The Joseph Whitaker School aims to provide a curriculum which:

  • Is rich, broad and balanced – designed to inspire and motivate students and to broaden their horizons
  • Is well sequenced to ensure that foundations are well placed to enable future progression
  • Provides appropriate levels of challenge, and is ambitious for students of all abilities
  • Is adapted to ensure inclusivity for students who require a bespoke approach to education
  • Continually provides opportunities for reading, leading to the development of students’ fluency, confidence and enjoyment
  • Provides students with the choices and support to secure a broad range of academic and vocational qualifications and high levels of academic success
  • Uses the school’s specialism of Sports and Performing Arts to provide students with opportunities to promote and support the development of their characterhealth and well-being
  • Enables students to nurture existing talents and interests as well as supporting the development of new ones
  • Invites all students to take their learning beyond the classroom, participating in activities beyond their comfort zones, and encouraging them to think creatively
  • Supports students to raise their aspirations, by facilitating the development of the knowledge and skills required for their chosen careers
  • Enables students to become knowledgeable and confident through the various leadership opportunities provided
  • Engenders a culture for students to play a positive role in creating a school environment in which all are educated to appreciate and value our individual differences and understand that bullying, harassment and violence have no place in our society. Ensuring that students are well-rounded and fully prepared for life in modern Britain

The Curriculum and Covid-19 Recovery

The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent school closures have affected many of our students and their families with not only a loss of learning but also a loss of routine and wellbeing that are essential to a successful education.  Support needed during this recovery phase will differ from student to student and will range from academic to pastoral support.  We regularly review our curriculum by making short and long-term adjustments to ensure that any learning gaps in knowledge are filled and students are confident in the fundamentals of each subject discipline.

Additional intervention has been put in place to assist some students who have found the transition back to full time education challenging.  We aim to support both students and families to re-establish the routines and high expectations of all of our students through interventions and pastoral care.

Catch-up tutors offer individual or small group support in the core areas or English, Maths and reading.  Students are selected through a combination of student data and teacher recommendation.

Our Curriculum Experience

The Joseph Whitaker School has clear values and ambition for all our students both academically and in the wider curriculum.  It is important that our students gain a variety of experiences and skills that will ensure our young people are ready to thrive in the world.  We endeavour to achieve this through our formal and informal curricula which runs in parallel to our extra-curricular offer.

25 lessons per week
Broad and balanced
Catch-up & Interventions
Reading Focus
Lexia and Switch-on Reading
On-line learning platforms e.g. Hegarty/Sparks
Google Classroom
Student Mentoring
Sports and Performing Arts Specialism
British Values
Celebration of Diversity
After school Clubs
School performances
Music Recitals
School Council
Student Voice
Trips and visits
Anti-bullying Ambassadors
Charity Work
Prom and Rewards Evenings
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum please contact Mrs Souter – Deputy Headteacher for Curriculum Intent and Implementation

Curriculum Progression Maps