The Joseph Whitaker School is committed to the safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children. We believe that an environment conducive to learning can only happen when children are feeling safe and secure and they are able to then thrive and succeed.
The school is comprised of Houses; Clumber, Newstead, Rufford and Sherwood as well as the Sixth Form. Each House is led by the Head of House and each tutor group is led by their tutor who will be the students first point of contact each day. This offers our students an opportunity to discuss any matters that they need to. All staff have annual safeguarding training in accordance with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024. We have very experienced members of staff who will be able to offer students support.
The Designated Safeguarding Team is illustrated below. Should you need to make urgent contact please phone the school: 01623 792327 and ask to speak to one of the team otherwise please use their email:
DSL Team | Role | Contact details: |
Mrs J Roberts | Designated Safeguarding Lead | |
Mrs L McIntyre-Sowter | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | |
Mrs L Stead | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead | |
Mrs C Ayres | The Headteacher | |
Mr S Grant | Deputy Headteacher | |
Mrs R Souter | Deputy Headteacher | |
Mr M Croft | Deputy Headteacher | |
Mr A Jacques | Head of the Sixth Form & DSL | |
Miss A Balchin | Head of Clumber House & DSL | |
Mr N Moore | Head of Rufford House & DSL | |
Mr S Denby | Head of Sherwood House & DSL | |
Miss B Staley | Head of Newstead House & DSL | |
Mr D Mogg | SENDCO | |
Mrs M Baggaley | Attendance and Student Welfare & DSL | |
Miss L Beastall | Lead Teacher Responsible for LAC/PLAC | |
Our Safeguarding Governor is Caroline Butler. If you wish to contact the Safeguarding Governors please contact our Clerk to Governors Steph Hamilton via email
The Joseph Whitaker School is fortunate to have the support from a Schools Liaison Police Officer.
Contact details are: PC Katie White
Schools and Early Intervention Officer – Newark and Sherwood
Telephone 101 ext 3102450
Out of hours safeguarding concern
If you have concerns for the safety of a child out of school hours, please contact:
- Nottinghamshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub: 0300 500 80 80
- If you require an urgent response outside of working hours (08:30-17:00), contact Nottinghamshire’s Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 456 4546.
- In an emergency call 999
- To report a crime, call 101
Absence and lateness are closely monitored by Student Services, the Pastoral Team and the Attendance and Welfare Manager. Reasons are sought for all absences. Concerns around attendance may be referred to the Designated Safeguarding Lead. Parents/carers will be notified of attendance concerns at the earliest convenience.
Multi-agency support
The Joseph Whitaker School works closely with a range of external agencies, these can include health, social services and the Police but most safeguarding cases do not require this level of input. However, we will not hesitate to work closely with our families and these agencies in order to safeguard children.
Parental support
There are a range of organisations that you may wish to contact that offer specific help and support for families.
Support Agency | Contact | |
Young person counselling | 0800 1111 | |
Child Protection Helpline | 0808 800 5000 | |
116 123 (or 08457 909090) | ||
Parent Helpline | 0808 805 5544 (9:30-16:00 weekdays) | |
Online Mental health support. | Online Monday to Friday from 12 noon until 10pm. Weekends from 6pm to 10pm, 365 days per year. | |
Notts Help Yourself | Signposting for support and services in Nottinghamshire | 0808 196 3779. 24 hours a day, seven-days a week, |
Advice for mental health including self-harming | 0300 123 3393 (9:00-18:00 weekdays) | |
Police | 101 (or 999 in an emergency) | |
0800 555 111 | ||
Frank | National Drugs Helpline | 0300 123 6600 |
NHS Smoking Helpline | 0800 1690169 | |
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency | | |
01636 704 620 | ||
Free Mental Health Service for Children and Young People | 0115 708 0008 | |
Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, all in one place | ||
Young people need help. Parents need guidance. We’re here to make sure everyone feels seen, heard, and understood. |
Online Safety
The ever present access to social media and the internet, we all have a part to play in keeping children safe. You can find help and support at the following:
UK Safer Internet Centre
Please refer to the guides below for support on online safety.