School Meals

We are proud of the fact that we offer healthy school meals to all students. Meals are well-balanced and adhere strictly to Government legislation. We have a Cashless Catering System. The Parental Consent Form can be downloaded below.

Pupils can pay cash into the machines in both dining rooms at any time, then simply use the reader at the counter which will automatically take the required money from their account.  You can also use ParentPay to top up your lunch account.

Hydration points are provided across the school, enabling pupils have frequent access to water.

Students and staff enjoy the wide variety of lunch options available, with a large number of pupils opting to buy their lunch from school. Our menu changes daily but usually consists of a selection of paninis, pasta pots, sandwiches or a hot plated meal. Todays menu options are show below.

Parents and carers who feel they may be eligible for free school meals can apply by online or by calling the local Free School Meals team on 01623 433433. If eligible, we will be notified by the team and from that date, your child will receive a daily free school meal to the value of £2.40. This will entitle your child to a healthy hot meal or sandwich, drink and biscuit or pudding.


Chicken Pasta Bake
Mediterranean Vegetable Slice
Baked Potatoes, Cheese & Baked Beans.
Rooster Chicken in a Bun
Ripple Chicken in a Bun
Chicken Tikka Panini
Pizza or Pepperoni Panini
Hot & Spicy Chicken Pizzini
Cheesy Pizzini