A-Level Chemistry

What Will I learn?

  • Atoms, compounds, molecules, equations
  • Amount of substance
  • Acid-base and redox reactions
  • Electrons, bonding and structure
  • The Periodic table and periodicity
  • Group 2 and the halogens
  • Qualitative analysis
  • Enthalpy changes
  • Basic concepts of carbon chemistry
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Alcohols and halogenoalkanes
  • Reaction rates and equilibria
  • pH and buffers
  • Enthalpy, entropy and free energy
  • Redox and electrode potentials
  • Transition elements
  • Aromatic compounds
  • Carbonyl compounds
  • Carboxylic acids and esters
  • Nitrogen compounds
  • Polymers
  • Organic synthesis
  • Analytical techniques (Infrared, mass spectroscopy, chromatography, NMR

How Am I Assessed?

Unit TitleDescriptionAssessment/Weighting
Paper 1 – Periodic table, elements and physical chemistrySection A – Multiple choice
Section B – Structured questions covering theory and practical skills.
Assesses content from modules 1, 2, 3, 5
2 hours 15 min written exam 37%
Paper 2 – Synthesis and analytical techniquesStructured questions and extended response questions, covering theory and practical skills.
Assesses content from modules 1, 2, 4, 6
2 hours 15 min written exam 37%
Paper 3 – Unified chemistryStructured questions and extended response questions, covering theory and practical skills.
Assesses content from modules 1 to 6
1 hour 30 min written exam 26%
Practical endorsement for ChemistryCandidates complete a minimum of 12 practical activities to demonstrate competence. Performance is then reported separately to the A Level gradeNon-exam Reported separately

What Career Options Do I Have?

Chemists are very much involved in tackling the problems faced by modern society. On a given day, a
chemist may be studying the mechanism for the recombination of DNA, measuring the amount of
insecticide in drinking water, developing a biodegradable plastic, comparing the protein content of meats,
monitoring and controlling pollution, developing a new antibiotic or analysing a moon rock! In addition, a
Chemistry qualification is excellent preparation for careers in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine
or in the allied health professions

Examination Board: OCR – Chemistry A (H432)