A-Level Geography

What Will I learn?

Students will get the opportunity to: engage with the relationships between human populations over space and time and their physical environment at a variety of scales from local to global, and consider their own role relative to the issues being studied, and the values and attitudes of others including decision makers. Our students will study the following:

Physical Geography
Water & carbon cycles – The major stores of water and carbon at or near the Earth’s surface and the dynamic cyclical relationships associated with them.
Coastal systems & landscapes – Coastal processes, landforms, sea level changes, flooding and protection.
Hazards – The hazards that are posed to human populations in dramatic and catastrophic fashion. Students investigate the many dimensions of the relationships between people and their environments.

Human Geography
Global systems and governance – globalisation; the economic, political and social changes associated with technological and other forces, and how they have been a key feature of the global economy and society.
Changing places – People’s engagement with places, their experience of them and the qualities they ascribe to them.
Contemporary Urban Environments – How towns and cities are changing over space and time.

Key skills learnt
A variety of investigative, cartographic, graphical, applied ICT and statistical skills.
Completion of a geographical fieldwork investigation in a coastal or urban environment in Portugal.

How Am I Assessed?

Physical Geography 2h30 40%
Water & Carbon Cycles
Coastal Systems & Landscapes

Human Geography 2h40 40%
Global Systems & Global Governance
Changing Places

None Examined Assessment 4000 word report 20%
Students undertake an independent field study research across 4 full days in Portugal.
Students write up their findings as a report

What Career Options Do I Have?

A degree in geography can lead to a variety of career opportunities in areas such as Land and Water management, Environment, Resource or Waste Management, Transport Planning, Urban and Rural Planning, Tourism, Government, Marketing, Research, Law, Human Resources, Accountancy and Education. Equally, the subject opens up opportunities in a number of vocational degrees.

Examination Board: AQA