GCSE Drama

What Will I Learn?

GCSE Drama is an exciting, challenging and creative course. It includes the opportunity to devise and act in dramatic plays; study drama texts; attend live theatre productions; learn effective speaking and listening and presentation skills; and grow in confidence and self-awareness. You may be interested in a career in the Performing Arts but if not, then the knowledge that you will learn in terms of public speaking, communication and team working are skills which all major employers in the United Kingdom consider to be vital to their company’s success. The creative industries are our fastest growing sector,  contributing £77 billion to the UK economy.

How Am I Assessed?

Component 1  Devising Theatre.  You will create your own piece of drama using the ideas of a specialist practitioner.  Internally marked and externally moderated.  40% of the GCSE.

Component 2  Performing from a Text.  In this unit you will perform an extract from a professionally published play.  Externally examined.  20% of the GCSE.

Component 3  Interpreting Theatre.  Study two plays and review a live theatre performance. Written examination 40% of the GCSE.

What Career Options Do I Have?

This GCSE specification provides opportunities for progression to courses in further education in all related subjects, including English and Modern Foreign Languages, History and Politics, Psychology, Music and Dance. It is supported by all education institutions as an entry qualification in other       subjects. Equally, it is a highly enabling subject for students wishing to pursue a career that involves communication such as law, education and the arts and media industries, sales and marketing.   Business employers, for instance, particularly like to see drama on a prospective employee’s CV   because it suggests a high level of presentational and interpersonal skills which they consider to be vital in today’s competitive working environment.