GCSE Film Studies

What Will I Learn?

Have you ever found yourself completely absorbed in a film, wondering how it is that the team behind it managed to make you feel that way?  Ever imagined yourself holding the award for Best Picture at the Oscars?

In GCSE Film Studies you will learn how to see the art of filmmaking in a whole new light. Through the study of six exciting, interesting and unique films you will learn about all aspects of filmmaking  from cinematography to narrative structure. You will learn not only how existing film makers do it, but will also have the opportunity to write your own film!  Furthermore, you will study the key developments in film and Film-making from the first moving images to the role of CGI.

In order to develop your understanding of the film industry, the units covered include a variety of films. The units are: Mainstream Hollywood Films where you will study US films such as ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ and ‘E.T The Extra Terrestrial’; Independently Produced US Film ‘Whiplash’; Global film, the Swedish, ‘Let The Right One In’; International Film, ‘District 9’; and the British film, ‘Submarine’.

You will also study different genres, looking at a range of films to prepare for your coursework production—the opening sequence to a horror film. The skill of screenplay writing is also further developed from the knowledge gained in your English lessons.

How Am I Assessed?

The new Film Studies course is both intellectually demanding with 70% exam and creatively stimulating with 30% coursework production (film extract or original screenplay excerpt).

Component 1: Written exam—1hr30min 35% of qualification

Component 2: Written exam—1hr30min 35% of qualification

Component 3 Coursework Production—30% of qualification

What Career Options Do I Have?

Film Studies students often make it their passion, going on to work in the Film and Media Industry,  whether it be in screenplay writing, directing, editing, acting, costume design, make-up, sound production, set design, marketing or any of the other exciting roles in the industry.

The skills gained through the course also support students well in their English studies and is taught by the English and Media Department. The styles of writing feed into any professional vocation, but easily lend themselves to other areas like Business and Management, Journalism, Advertising, Law and Psychology.  Likewise the skills developed in production work involve high levels of creativity and originality, and so undeniably work well with careers in Art and Design,  ICT and Drama. Skills such as team work, meeting deadlines, reading for meaning and high levels of organisation are all required which are desirable for any employer.