What Will I Learn?

Within the theory element of the course students will develop their understanding of the physiological, scientific, psychological and social aspects of physical education. Within practical lessons students will be taught the key skills, techniques and tactics, as well as the rules and regulations, for a variety of activities.

How Am I Assessed?

Full course GCSE PE is made up of 40% Practical and 60% Theory.

The Theory (60%) is assessed by two formal Exams Papers

· Fitness and the Body’s Systems which is assessed with a 1hr 45 written exam (90marks)

· Health and Performance, which is assessed in a further 1hr 15min written exam (70 Marks).

For their practical (40%) students will be assessed in 3 sports from the prescribed list of activities below:

The three sports will have to consist of one team sport, one individual sport and one further  option of   either a team or an individual sport. This practical assessment makes up 30% and the final 10% of the practical mark is an analysis of a personal exercise programme.

What Career Options Do I Have?

This course will act as a stepping stone for students wanting to further their education in A-Level PE or join the BTEC Sport Programmes, here at The Joseph Whitaker School. We would strongly recommend this GCSE to any student aspiring to a career in sports coaching, PE teaching, personal training, sports injuries or the leisure industry.