KS3 French & Spanish

Why is MFL important?

We live in a global world where having knowledge of different languages is increasingly important.  Around 94% of the world don’t speak English as their first language and about 75% speak no English at all.  Employers consider employees with language skills to be a bridge to new clients and opportunities.  UK companies already do business with over 200 countries worldwide, meaning that employers need employees with languages skills to succeed in the global market.  Furthermore, languages open the door to travel, meeting new people and to new experiences.  Wherever you go and whatever you do, a language can help you to get the best out of life.

What does a good student look like?

Languages are all about communication so to make the best out of your languages lessons it is important that you are involved in all activities.  Communication is key; the most important thing is that you have a go.  Making mistakes really does help you to learn and to remember.  It is also advantageous to be an inquisitive learner; asking questions shows enthusiasm and helps your learning to progress.  Being well organised is also really important.  Languages knowledge builds so it is really helpful to have your class book with you for every lesson so that you are able to use previous work to make the maximum progress and to link ideas.

What can I do at home to help me achieve in this subject?

Learning vocabulary is key in language learning.  You will have regular vocabulary tests and should try a range of learning methods at home to find the method which works best for you.  This skill takes time and you will forget the words if they are not practised sufficiently or regularly.  It is also recommended to read through classwork after each lesson to ensure that you understand and can remember the key structures learnt in class.  There is also a wealth of French and Spanish material on TV, in apps and on the internet and any extra practice is beneficial to your progress.