Sports College

Guiding Principles

The Joseph Whitaker School Sports College Management has an obligation to increase usage by maximising the space utilisation of their facilities (Sports Hall, Gym, Dance Studio, Squash Courts, conference/classroom areas, the all Weather and grass pitches).

The programme will operate in accordance with key player’s objectives (The Joseph Whitaker School Sports College, Newark and Sherwood District Council Sports Development and Sports Partnerships) and will be so designed as to contribute towards and achieving those objectives. This in turn will support and drive the aspirations of the Sports College to:

  • Encourage healthy and active lifestyles
  • Provide leisure & learning facilities, residents and visitors enjoy using
  • Encourage sporting excellence and provide pathways for talent identification
  • Game Plan Strategy
  • Sport England/East Midlands Change 4 Sport Plan
  • PESSCL Strategy
  • School Sport Partnership Plan
  • Specialist Sport Delivery Plan
  • Leisure and Culture Strategy
  • Sport and Physical Activity Plan
  • Newark and Sherwood Obesity Strategy

The programming philosophy will recognise and adhere to all relevant legislation, notably equal opportunities, sex and disability discrimination and will endeavour to promote racial harmony and lifelong learning.

The philosophy places sports development initiatives as a high priority.

Specific Principles

Clubs with accreditation (e.g. Clubmark) or seen to be working towards an accreditation will be supported by The Community Sports College as part of their development.

There will be specific hours identified every week for the development of sport, however, this will not necessarily be on a free of charge basis but will be suitably priced to again reflect the needs and the market in which it is operating.

The facilities will be used for curriculum and extra-curricular activities as required. Between the hours of 6pm to 8pm priority will be given to junior sections of clubs.

Sometimes The Joseph Whitaker School Sports College will need the facilities during school time for things such as events, competitions, festivals, teacher training and coach education courses. The Joseph Whitaker School has priority to the facilities usage upon events during a school calendar year for such as School in Action Evening, Parents Evening but were possible notice will be given to community users in advance.

Target Groups

  • Voluntary clubs with accreditation or working towards accreditation
  • Clubs with a junior and senior sections
  • Groups as identified in Sport England’s recognised development plan

Priority Sports

 The Joseph Whitaker School Sports College will determine annually the priority sports for the year ahead in consultation with all relevant parties.

The programme will be reviewed on a regular basis and at times when there are specific requests for activities from the target groups.

In respect of the first “Guiding Principle”, the programme must also reflect and respond to the needs of the core market

Service Level Agreement

All users:

  1. The Sports College staff will be polite, courteous and helpful at all times.
  2. The facility will be staffed at all times.  The presence of staff will be evident at all times as they monitor the entirety of the building.
  3. The facilities will be cleaned to a high standard and checked by Sports College Staff at regular intervals.
  4. The maintenance of the building will be checked on a daily basis.  All faults will be made good in a realistic timescale.
  5. Equipment will be set up as requested by your Club/Organisation to comply with NOP’s and Health & Safety Regulations.
  6. All the information provided by your Club/Organisation will be retained in the strictest confidence and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
  7. You will have the opportunity to apply for preferred user times in accordance with The Joseph Whitaker School Sports College Pricing Policy.
  8. Promotional marketing of your club/ groups via newsletters, assemblies, websites and notice boards through The Joseph Whitaker School Sports College facility.
  9. Developing young leaders to become club volunteers